Cat Scratch or Bite

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Cat Scratch or Bite

  • Summary

What Is It?

Cats usually strike by scratching or biting. Claws and cat claws carry many germs. Some of these germs can result in cat-scratch disorder or lockjaw (tetanus). Owing to those germs, your wound may become infected. You should clean your wound away. It takes the wound to heal depends on how deep the scratch or bite is.

Signs :

Your wound hurt will bleed, swell, and then even appearance shut or red. It will be red and very tender, and can have discoloration in it if it gets infected.


Clean out the scratch or snack right off with soap and water. Wash it to 4 times a day with soap and water. Keep it clean and dry. If possible, maintain than the degree of their heart. This will help to lessen the swelling and pain. If you have not had one in the last 5 to 10 decades you might need a tetanus shot. You may also have to take antibiotic (an-ti-bi-ah-tik) medicine to help keep the wound from becoming infected.

Care Agreement

You have the right to help plan your care. To help with this plan, you need to understand your wellbeing condition and how it may be treated. You can then discuss treatment options with your caregivers. Use them to decide what care can be used to deal with you. You have the right.

Further information

Always seek advice from your healthcare provider to make sure the information displayed on these pages applies to your circumstances.

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